More and more growers start switch to LED recently, and always think about what‘s the difference of these? and is it correct to switch to LED?

Here with main faftors for comparing:

  • Yield–Yield seems to be a factor that depends primarily on the grower’s abilities and knowledge rather than the type of light the plants are receiving. The HPS industry minimum would be approximately .5 or half a gram per watt used.
  • Energy– Many claim that LED technology can produce up to or more than 1.0g/watt,Even more than 2.0g/watt
  • Heat–Many LED fixtures is that they use the metal frame as a heat-sink, further decreasing and dissipating any heat output. and whether you’re dealing with 1, 10, 50, or 100+ HPS lamps, you’re going to see a massive influx of heat in to your environment. The heat produced by a 250W HPS lamp is so great even that needs ventilation.
  • Energy–Many growers find that, following the switch to LED, their AC usage is reduced by approximately 75%.
  • Area & Spacing–Every grower knows that your environment is one of your most crucially important factors that must be perfect. When you remove your hot HPS fixture, you will immediately make your environment more stable and far easier to maintain. Your area will be less humid and will rest at a more stable temperature. You’re also able to remove many additional physical components with the traditional HPS system after introducing LED fixtures, such as fans, environment control systems, and larger AC units
  • Photosynthetic Photo Flux (PPF) & Density (PPFD)–With many LED fixtures, more light is emitted because the source is larger and more dense, therefore we’re getting better canopy penetration. LED grow lights also typically have better PAR and higher PPF & PPFD levels, ranging from 700-1000.From most lights, you’ll want at least 2.0 μmol/s.
  • Upfront Costs–First LED cost is higher,But it can for long time,But HPS need replace in short time,When considering your lighting solution, remember that with LED, you’ll save on essentially the rest of your entire lighting system. 
  • Lifetime–LED standard is >50000hours,HPS lamps must be changed every 2-3 cycles (6-9 months) because they lose efficiency and PPF.
  • Safety– Safety for your operation and your own well being are increased drastically removal of HPS systems eases upkeep and relaxes your environment overall

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