How many micromolars of light does the cannabis plant need at each growth stage?


Plants in the seedling stage need between 200-300 umol / S;

Plants in the vegetative period receiving 18 hours of light should receive light between 306 and 617 umol / S;

Flowering plants exposed to 12 hours of light should receive light between 460 and 925 umol / s.

If your plant currently receives light intensity within the above range, there is no need to adjust the height of the LED growth lamp. Below this range, it is necessary to move the LED Grow Light near the plant. Above this range, the growth lamps will need to move farther away from the plant.

Remember, higher light intensity = higher yield. The intensity of each LED Grow Lights varies at a given height, which is why the figures need to be roughly determined by using the illuminometer.

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