What’s Effect For Seed Germination by LED Grow Light?

As we all know that the LED grow light has an obvious effect on plant seeding, vegetation growth and flower period.

We also know that the growth process of plants needs the participation of light. Looking at the lush branches and leaves, as well as the withered stems and yellow leaves, a very important reason for these changes is the change of light received by plants.

Every plant grows from seed germination. Most plants can’t do without the participation of appropriate light in the growth stage. Is that also true in the seed germination stage?

In fact, some seeds need light to develop well; Some seeds can only develop well in the dark, and light can inhibit them; Some need short-term light to develop well, and long-term light can inhibit it.

The seeds that need light to develop well are usually small seeds, such as dandelion, reed and so on

In addition, the germination of some plant seeds is also affected by light quality, such as cucumber. Cucumber seeds can germinate in yellow light, blue light, white light or dark environment, but the continuous irradiation of Cucumber Seeds by green light and red light will inhibit their germination and growth.

For seeds that need light to germinate smoothly, It can be indoor, such as by dimming of led grow light or soaking in fixed culture medium can also achieve the expected effect, which shows that some hormones can also stimulate plant germination.

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