How much is the average yield of cannabis plants?

It all depends on the particular type of marijuana you want to grow. In addition, you must know all the information about the growth of a particular strain, because if you want to get good results, you must meet all the necessary conditions.

At the same time, you must pay close attention to several factors:

How much light does your plant receive

Hydroponic method

Genetics of your seeds – original or cloned

Number of plants you want to grow

Ideal temperature range

Your own grow skills

improve air circulation

Nutrient use

Water or moisturize.

The performance of cannabis plants grown indoors depends largely on the amount of grow lights received by the cannabis plants. It depends on which type of growth lighting you use. The average cannabis yield of HPS is 0.5g per watt, while the average yield of LED grow light is 1-1.5g per watt. Of course, using high efficient LED Grow lighting, this can be close to 2 grams per watt.

In addition, the growth medium is equally important, and the yield may vary depending on the specific growth medium you use. For example, it has been documented that cultivating cannabis using hydroponics can produce 20 per cent more production than using land indoors.

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