Which is the best method to grow cannabis – indoor or outdoor?

To be honest, both methods have their own advantages. So it depends on your preferences.

Advantages of indoor marijuana Cultivation:

1) You can completely control the growth environment. Indoor cannabis growing allows you to control LED grow light(HID tend to get HOT which is not going to help you when it’s 35° outside on a July afternoon.), temperature and humidity.

2) The ability to control growth conditions means that you can grow higher quality and more effective buds.

3) You can prevent unnecessary foreign invasion. Therefore, it provides you with the privacy you need as you grow up.

Advantages of outdoor cannabis growth:

1) This is a cost-effective way to increase supply. You don’t need to spend on grow lights and other equipment ,and You will save quite some electricity.So it can help you save money.

2) indoor grow light bars are effective, but they cannot simulate the same spectrum as the sun. This will affect the total production. Therefore, as long as the growth conditions are ideal, the outdoor yield will be greatly improved.

3) Outdoor cannabis cultivation provides you with natural protection against mites. Natural enemies like wasps and insects will protect your plants from mites and damage.

4) Compared with indoor plants growing, the yield is much higher. So if you’re looking for a lot of buds, you should definitely choose to cannabis growing outdoors.

Therefore, both methods have their own advantages. You can decide what suits you better. Recently, indoor marijuana cultivation has gained momentum. It provides better control and you can increase stress as you wish. Ideally, you should get a grower’s license from a certified clinic. Before that, evaluate yourself and gain the right to grow for personal use.

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