What is the most important factor in the legal cultivation of cannabis indoors?

1-Full spectrum LED Grow Light

Lighting is crucial to growing marijuana. This is actually one of the most important factor. Whether indoors or outdoors, you must find a good light source.

LED grow lights generate the least amount of heat. Compared with HPS or HID lamps, they release a lot of heat and burn plant leaves. LED grow lights provide sufficient light and brightness for plants, and can also reduce the emission of other harmful particles.

2-Temperature and air flow

One of the most important factors in building a suitable indoor cultivation space is to maintain an ideal temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature becomes too hot (more than 80 degrees Fahrenheit) or too cold (less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit), it is the time of disaster.

3-Soil is the most traditional and tolerant medium for indoor marijuana cultivation, which makes it a good choice for first-time marijuana growers. Any high-quality potted soil is effective as long as it does not contain artificial slow-release fertilizer, which is not suitable for growing high-quality marijuana.


For growth, genetics will greatly help determine the size, color, vitality, insect and fungal resistance, odor, taste, yield and the total yield of cannabinoids and terpenes.

5- Growth space

Growing marijuana is not like growing indoor plants. In order to obtain the best quality and maximum yield, you should set up a planting room so that you can better control lighting, ventilation, air circulation, temperature and humidity.

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