What’s the Effect of each color light ?

Light is divided into visible light and invisible light, and the light effect of each color is different.

UV (200 nm to 380 nm) –   better growth without exposure

Violet   (380 nm to 445 nm) –   enhances the color, taste and aroma of plants

Blue   (380 nm to 445 nm) –   improve the growth rate of plants

Green (495 nm to 570 nm) –   improves the yield of chlorophyll and is used as a pigment for correct plant observation

Yellow   (570 nm to 590 nm) –   plants show less growth than blue and red light

Red (620 nm to 720 nm) –   when combined with blue light, it will produce more leaves and crops, depending on what you are planting

Far red (720 nm to 1000 nm) –   accelerates the transformation of phytochrome and reduces the time required for plants to enter the night state. This leads to higher plant yields

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