What is the difference between medical cannabis & marijuana?

Medical marijuana is marijuana or cannabinoid that can be used in medical prescriptions.

Compared with the high-intensity THC of recreational marijuana, medical marijuana has relatively high content of cannabinoid (CBD) and low content of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (such as variety CBD boom). Since CBD is not an addictive substance of marijuana and can counteract the psychoactive components of THC, it will not be abused by drug abusers who love high-intensity THC in general. Most countries that legalize marijuana first legalize medical marijuana.

The main difference between medical cannabis and recreational cannabis is the Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content, the active ingredients in marijuana. … While both medical and recreational cannabis have THC and CBD, you stand to gain more medical benefits from a product with a higher CBD ratio.

Also it with other differences:

Legal Problems

Variety of Purpose


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