Which are Autoflowering cannabis ?

Auto flowering marijuana will automatically switches from vegetative growth to flowering according to age, rather than the ratio of light time to dark time required for photoperiod dependent / short day varieties. Many auto flowering varieties can be harvested from seeds in less than 10 weeks. But they can still reap a good harvest.

Auto flowering cannabis produced from cannabis seeds bloom by themselves after 2-4 weeks of growth. Growers do not need to worry about changing the light schedule to start and maintain flowering, as they do with feminized photoperiodic marijuana.

Since Auto flowering cannabis plants have a short vegetative period and usually grow shorter than photoperiodic plants, it is usually necessary to give Auto flowering  cannabis plants at least 18 hours of light. This allows strong growth without excessive energy consumption.

The average height of most automatic flowers is about 50-100 cm. The final Auto flowering  size depends on genetic and growth conditions

And average time from seed to harvest; With 5-6 weeks of vegetative growth and about 9 weeks of flowering, the female strain may take 15 weeks or more to harvest. This is almost twice as long as fast flowering.

The main benefits of Auto flowering is faster life cycle (faster flowering and faster harvest) , high CBD and suitable for beginners.

So what’s the difference between auto flower and feminization?

Auto flowering seeds are more suitable for indoor cultivation, while female seeds are more suitable for outdoor cultivation. Generally speaking, female seeds will grow larger and taller plants than Auto flowering.

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