How do you increase the yield of cannabis?

There are several factors you need to consider to achieve large-scale buds when you have cannabis cultivation indoor.

1. Increase light intensity

Increasing the amount of LED grow light you harvest will ensure that plants get enough energy to grow.

Through the way plants grow, you will know that there is a problem with their light intensity. For example, if your plants are in the vegetative phase and do not receive light of sufficient intensity, they will “stretch” upward to the light source. This may result in a large space between the stem node and the leaf, and may even grow high enough to fall.

Light is the most important factor affecting any cannabis plant cultivation. This is absolutely necessary for the flowering period of cannabis plants, although many new growers do not fully understand how increasing light intensity in the final stage can help the final yield.

Fluorescent lights and other fluorescent lamps are relatively weak and can be as close to cannabis plants as possible while controlling heat.

LED grow lights should generally be kept at least 12 inches away. The distance required for LED grow light varies by model, so it is important to listen to the manufacturer’s instructions when determining the distance between LED grow lights  and the factory. The modern LED growth light is very powerful, and it is easy to burn your plants with LED Grow lights.

MH / HPS growth lamps should normally be kept at a distance of 1-2 feet, although the required distance depends on the size of the bulb.

Under all growth lights, it is important to have some cooling or exhaust system to prevent heat stress and to help plants absorb fresh carbon dioxide.

2. More carbon dioxide

As a general rule, more lighting + more carbon dioxide = crazy huge flower buds

3. Nutrition

It is absolutely necessary to provide correct nutrition for your plants so as not to slow down your growth and reduce your size.

4. PH value level

Make sure your soil maintains the correct pH level and check it regularly. Cannabis prefers slightly acidic soil pH levels for normal growth.

However, the most important factor is passion.

5. Harvest at the right time

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