Do you need fertilizer or nutrients to grow marijuana?

What are marijuana nutrients? Planting high-quality weeds requires more nutrients or fertilizers than most ordinary cannabis.

If you want more and give the plant different nutrients during different growth phases.

1. Seedling

This plant can live on the nutrients in its seeds for a period of time. Use a small amount of fertilizer or no fertilizer in the early seedling stage. Rooting cuttings often lack nutrition after reproduction. Once there is sufficient root development, gently feed with 1-1-1 balanced formula at a concentration of about 100 ppm.

2. Vegetative growth

The average vegetative growth period is 4 weeks, but it can be as short as 2 weeks or as long as 2 months, depending on the environment, variety and container size. After transplantation, the supplementary feeding rate required for vegetative growth was as high as 200 ppm n, 120 ppm P2O5 and 200-250 ppm K2O.

3. Early flowering

Additional calcium and magnesium are important additives at the beginning of flowering, which can cultivate strong plants with thick buds and strong roots. At the beginning of the bloom, transfer to about 200-250 ppm n-p2o5-k2o. Before flowering, there should be a small amount of boron in the feed. At all flowering stages, we must apply more potassium fertilizer rather than nitrogen fertilizer. If the plant is larger, more nitrogen is reduced.

4. Spend late

In the fifth week of flowering, reduce the nitrogen application to about 125 ppm to ensure sufficient phosphorus after calyx or sepal formation. In the last four weeks of flowering, use a nitrogen potassium ratio of about 1:1.5. Potassium silicate may help to enhance plants in the late flowering cycle.

5. Flush

In the 9th week of flowering, most growers flush with water without additional fertilization. If possible, use some calcium nitrate and kelp extracts throughout the crop.

You need to monitor pH and EC at least once a week. During the whole production process, according to EC readings, water with clean water can only be used once every 10-14 days.

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