Factors to be considered when selecting strains

Some varieties strains are more difficult to grow than others, some grow better under certain climatic conditions, some are more resistant to drought, mold, disease and insects, and some are more suitable for indoor growth than outdoor growth. If you are new to growth, you may want to start with something simple, easy and tolerant.

When you buy seeds or clones, it’s best to talk to the grower or breeder of the variety to understand the following factors:

1 – availability

The legality of marijuana in your state will determine whether you can buy seeds or clones in pharmacies. Even if you can, you will be limited to genes produced only in

2 – climate and environment

Some strains benefit from open space and are more likely to grow outdoors. For example, sativas tend to grow taller than Indicas and have a more open bud structure, which makes them grow better in warmer and wetter climates.

Indoor or outdoor cultivation will also affect the variety you choose. Other strains need more attention and are more vulnerable to pests. They usually benefit from climate controlled environments.

Talk to other growers to see which varieties perform best in your climate

3 – grow space

Marijuana can be grown successfully in small or large spaces, but before you start building a garden, know how much space you need.

4 – length of time for growth

Some strains mature longer than others. If you want to quickly reverse the decline, you can choose varieties that spend 8-9 weeks instead of 12 weeks. Auto flowering varieties will be much shorter.

5 – growth difficulties

Difficulties are equivalent to more care and attention, which may involve more complex nutrition regimens, more training requirements, and perhaps more attention to environmental factors. It takes time, patience and research, especially if you don’t have much growth experience.

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