How much CO2 should add for cannabis grow?

The content of carbon dioxide is in parts per million (PPM), and the typical content in the earth’s atmosphere is about 400 ppm. This means that our air consists of about 0.04% carbon dioxide, but in order to use additional carbon dioxide around cannabis plants, the carbon dioxide content in the air in the planting space should be about 0.15% or 1500 ppm.

As we all know, the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is about 400 ppm, but the content of cannabis is much higher.If the carbon dioxide level is around 1200-2000 ppm, the additional carbon dioxide is most effective for the growth and yield of cannabis plants. On the other hand, plants need at least 150 ppm of carbon dioxide to survive

The ideal carbon dioxide content of marijuana depends on the type of grow lights you use. The range is 400-1500ppm. Any substance higher than 2000 ppm will be harmful to growers and crops. The following table shows the appropriate amount of CO2 related to the light intensity measured in lumens per square meter (Lux) for reference :

Light intensity in lux   : Appropriate CO2 PPM

200–450 : 400

400–800 :  800

800–1000:    1200–1400

1000–1400:  1400–1500

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