What environment is good for growing marijuana indoor?

Indoor Growing Environments

Generally, cannabis plants in their vegetative stage prefer a temperature in a range from about 68 to about 77 degrees Fahrenheit. When they are flowering, cannabis plants like a range of about 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Four factors for creating a perfect growth environment

1-Light – needs bright lights but not too bright. We all know that cannabis grow has different stages, and different stages need different lights time. Without lights, cannabis can’t grow. The amount of light you provide is one of the major factors that will determine your yields. That’s why LED Grow Light is important in the market.

2-Temperature – comfortable for you, comfortable for your plants, too hot and too cold. Not good for cannabis grow. Control the temperature is the important to increase plant yield.

3-Air circulation – fresh air and breeze, If the air is not fresh. Cannabis also can’t grow better.

4-Humidity – controlling humidity helps plants grow faster and increases resin production

You need a good environment to get the best harvest. Poor growth environment will reduce the yield and bud quality!

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