What’s the difference between male and female of cannabis plants?

In fact, it may be difficult for some growers to distinguish between male and female plants. However, if you can begin to understand their genetic function, you may begin to see the actual differences between them.

Female plants bloom when they are mature, and once they are dry and ready to harvest, they turn into marijuana. On the other hand, male plants do not have flowers, but secrete pollen to pollinate other female plants.

Male plant

These plants look tall and thin, with only a few leaves and branches. Male plants look “unhealthy” because of their slender appearance and height. The nodes of male cannabis plants have round balls, with low THC content and no flowering. They just need to produce seeds.

Female plant

These plants are the exact opposite of male plants because they look healthier and have more branches. At the beginning of the flowering season, small hairs appear at the end of the branches of these plants. They can also be distinguished by nodes, which look like a small ball with a bunch of small hairs on it. Planting feminized seeds has a 95% chance of producing female plants.

The only true way to tell the plant’s gender is to plant a seed, then wait for it to mature. After a period of several weeks, the plant will begin to pre-flower, or form a small bud in the crux of a branch.


1. Female weed seeds or plants produce THC, while male weed seeds or plants do not produce THC.

2. Female weed seeds or plants will bloom, while male weed seeds or plants will produce small buds that look like balls.

3. Female weed seeds or plants will form V-shaped pistils at the beginning of flowering, while male weed seeds or plants will not.

4. Hair appears on the branches of female weed seeds or plants, while there is no hair in male weed seeds or plants.

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