Common mistakes to avoid when growing cannabis with hydroponics

Growing in a hydroponic system has many advantages, including commercial scale yield, minimal medium, fastest nutrient absorption and plant growth.

Overwatering :

The water bacon system depends largely on the good oxygen / water ratio in the medium, so overwatering can be disastrous. Excessive watering can lead to hypoxia in any plant, and marijuana is no exception.

Using Too Many Nutrients

This is one of the most common mistakes when growing marijuana, because many people worry about whether they provide enough food for the plant. Excessive use of nutrients will lead to the burning of nutrients, which must be avoided. It’s also likely that it won’t kill your plants, but it should be improved.

Not Timing the Growth Cycles

Individual growth cycles are intertwined and are very important to your plant. For example, without proper vegetation, the flowering cycle of plants will be affected. Therefore, the cycle must be accurately timed to avoid problems.

Not Creating a Proper Environment

In order to grow properly, you need a proper environment. The temperature should be between 75 and 85 degrees and the humidity should be between 30 and 70%. Air circulation is very important

Using the Wrong Fertilizer

When choosing fertilizer, we need to pay attention to the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in order to have a good harvest. In each growth cycle, you need to use the specific fertilizer with the right amount of nitrogen required by the plant, especially during the flowering cycle.

Mismanaging the pH

PH refers to the acidity or alkalinity of the growth medium. You can provide all the nutrients needed by plants in the right amount

Insufficient or excessive light

For indoor marijuana cultivation, you should invest in LED grow lights that provide high light levels without generating too much heat. Marijuana plants need strong light to form large buds, so make sure to adjust the height level as they grow without excessive light

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