What are the benefits of hydroponic growing?

Hydroponics is a way to skip the soil, sub in a different material to support the roots of the plant, and grow crops directly in nutrient-rich water. There are multiple approaches to designing hydroponic systems, but the core elements are essentially the same. Growers use a mineral nutrient solution in a water-based solvent. Occasionally, growers may also use clay pebbles and sand.

1 – save water: in places with little rain such as California, saving water is very important. A hydroponic system may use 20 times less water than traditional soil cultivation. The water in this medium can be reused, which means that it will not be wasted.

2 – space saving: hydroponic system is a major space saving system, which may require 20% less space than soil cultivation.

3 – year round planting: hydroponic systems can thrive in a variety of environments, but indoor gardens are especially ideal because you can grow cannabis plants year round.

4 – quality growth

By controlling the pH level of oxygen-containing nutrients in water, plants absorb more nutrients and yield better. The preferred pH range for most plants is 5.5 to 6.5 pH.

5 – simple and effective transplantation

Hydroponic seeds can grow in many different media and can be easily transplanted into the hydroponic system simply by putting them in a pot, rather than pulling them out of the soil.

6 – less time and less labor

Compared with soil farming, hydroponic system has less work, which can save time and labor required to maintain the farm. Therefore, labor costs can be reduced.

  1. High Growth Rate

When compared to soil farming, soil-less farming has better growth rate because of its set climate control and nutrients.

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