What’s the disadvantages of hydroponics?

Hydroponics is the cultivation of plants without using soil. Hydroponic flowers, herbs, and vegetables are planted in inert growing media and supplied with nutrient-rich solutions, oxygen, and water. … The hydrogen molecules combine with carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrates, which plants use to nourish themselves.

As we know it with more advantages ,it also with some disadvantages;

1-More complexity. There is more things to fail, pumps, airstones etc. And when things go wrong in Hydro they go wrong fast. Less tolerance for pH swings. Airstones get plugged up easily. Potential for flooding etc.

2-More water. Depending on what you are growing and how often you need to cycle your solution you end up dumping a fair bit of water.

3-More noise. In addition to your exhaust fans you’ve got air pumps, water pumps and such.

4-more expensive initial equipment investment. Including PH and EC meters.

More stuff to clean in between cycles

5-The cost of setting hydroponic system is high

6-Continuous monitoring is required.

7-Hydroponic system is easy to cut off power

8-Water based microorganisms are easy to invade.

9-Planting hydroponic gardens requires expertise.

10-If the system fails and there is no soil as a buffer, plant death will occur rapidly.

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