Why is hydroponics important?

Hydroponics is planting plants without using soil. Hydroponic flowers, herbs and vegetables are grown in inert growth medium and provide nutrient rich solution, oxygen and water… The energy used by roots to obtain food and water can be redirected to the plant’s maturation process.

In short, hydroponic gardening is a method of cultivating plants without soil… To grow, plants need water, sunlight, carbon dioxide (usually from the air cycle) and nutrients. In traditional gardens, the roots of plants must find nutrients from the soil.

What are the advantages of hydroponics?

Better space allocation.

Hydroponics does not require soil.

Hydroponics saves water.

Climate control.

Hydroponics makes plants grow faster and bigger.

Strengthen the control of pH value.

The labor intensity of hydroponic culture is low.

Besides; it also with these advantages;

Crops grown in any weather

Reduce pesticide use

Increase grain production

Water efficiency

Vertical agriculture

Solving the problem of world hunger

There is no doubt that hydroponics will have a significant positive impact on the future. With the gradual intensification of world hunger and climate change, the source of food on earth will decrease steadily. I believe hydroponics will play an important role in dealing with the obstacles in the future. Hydroponic crops grow in a controlled environment. Factors such as temperature, water supply and sunlight are crucial to the survival of plants. By using hydroponics to grow crops, plants are not affected by weather changes. Therefore, farmers can plant vegetables all year round and increase their output by more than three times.

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