Few tips for starting a hydroponic growing

Hydroponic systems are known to accelerate the already-rapid growth of autoflowering cannabis, as plants feed faster and more efficiently when their roots can absorb nutrients directly from the water in which they are submerged.

Therefore, there are five main parts that need to be set.

1 – Growth environment – at the beginning, you can start with a growth tent instead of building your own environment from scratch.

2- Grow Lights – if you don’t have a grow lamp, you can start with low power of LED plant grow light.

3-Nutrients – nutrients are indispensable for plants to grow healthier and better.

4 – Seeds(Genetic) – seeds affect the size, quality and harvest of your plants in the future.

5- DWC tank – Start from learn how to build your own tank (considering that all parts are cheap)

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