Main factors to affect the growth of crops in plant factory

As the plant factory is fully enclosed, and light is an indispensable factor affecting plant growth, with the continuous development of indoor planting, there are more and more plant lamps, among which led plant lamps are the most popular in the market, and there are three main factors affecting crop growth in plant factories

1 – light intensity. It not only affects photosynthetic intensity, but also changes crop morphology, such as flowering period, internode length, stem diameter, leaf size and so on;

2-spectrum; Spectral distribution plays an important role in plant photosynthesis and morphogenesis. Plants on earth have been adapting to solar radiation in the long-term evolution process. Different species have different light selective absorption characteristics. Moreover, plants need different spectra at different growth stages. For example, blue light is mostly in the growth stage, and more red light is needed in the flowering stage.

3-photoperiod characteristics are closely related to light hours. Different crops need a certain illumination time to complete the photoperiod. Changing the illumination time can inhibit the flowering and Fruiting of crops.

Indoor led grow lights also affected plant construction . At present, the cost of LED grow light source with 20% – 50% of the construction cost, and the compressed space is large; Installation efficiency, maintenance and replacement frequency, power saving rate and attenuation speed will affect the actual use cost.

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