What is a CMH Grow Light?

As its name suggests, a ceramic metal halide grow light uses a ceramic arc tube as opposed to a standard MH grow light, which uses a standard quartz arc tube. This stronger arc tube material helps the CMH bulb operate at a much higher pressure than the average MH bulb.

The CMH grow light uses ceramic arc tubes instead of quartz tubes in ordinary MH lamps. The result is a more natural color, producing more lumens per watt and lasting longer. The most common lamp model is 315w with “4200k” color bulb.

Advantages of CMH grow lights

1-The average life of CMH is twice that of MH or HPS bulbs.

2-CMH contains ceramic elements, the combustion temperature is much higher than MH, and the light produced is closer to natural sunlight. However, due to their insulation value, their heat output is also low, which means that it is less likely to burn plant leaves than MH or HPS bulbs.

3-CMH can produce spectra sufficient to support plant growth, vegetative stage and flowering stage.

Disadvantage of CMH grow lights

1 – The released UV-B rays are harmful to humans. Adequate safety equipment is required to reduce any risk to the skin or eyes.

2- High cost . Their cost is much higher than traditional bulbs (such as energy-saving lamps), although this feature is a bit like a double-edged sword. The initial cost is high, but the long-term operation cost is between HPS and led bulb.

3 – high heat. It is smaller than HPS or MH lights, more than LED growth lights. If you do not have ventilation, this may increase the start-up cost again.

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