What is a full-spectrum LED grow light?

A full-spectrum LED grow light is simply a marketing term that implies that your grow light closely resembles light from the sun. This marketing term comes from the concept of “full-spectrum light,” which in recent years has been used to refer to electromagnetic radiation from the UV to infrared wavebands.

Plants need light with wavelengths between 425-450 nm and 600-780 nm for photosynthesis – plants use photosynthesis to make food from light, water and carbon dioxide. Blue light between 400-500 nm is used in the vegetative growth stage. At the other end of the spectrum, wavelengths between 650 and 780 nm are particularly important for phytochrome (PR), which allows plants to regulate flowering.

LED, the light-emitting diode, has rapidly become the most common and widely used grow lights for family and business growers. This is because they have high power efficiency, low heat production and relatively reasonable operation cost. One of the best features of LED grow light is that they are usually manufactured to produce full spectrum led grow light, which makes them very suitable for indoor plants. Moreover, high-quality LED grow lights are usually dimmable, adjustable and programmable, which can produce different levels and intensities of light at different times of the day. This means that indoor gardeners can customize and adjust the amount of light they want the system to produce. In most cases, the full spectrum provided by the LED matches the natural sunlight very well and adapts to various growth stages of indoor plants. Compared with other growth lamps options, LED has a very low running cost.

LEDs emit less heat than other grow lighting options. LEDs can usually be adjusted and dimmed. Some manufacturers even offer features that allow adjustments using applications on mobile devices

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