What is Cannabis Cultivation?

The meaning of cannabis cultivation refers to the practice and process of seed or clone to cannabis flowering.

Cannabis plants can grow indoors or outdoors, in soil under natural or artificial growth light, or from seeds or clones using soilless cultivation (such as hydroponics or air cultivation). For the correct cultivation of cannabis, there are certain requirements, including appropriate growth medium, optimal temperature, growth light, moisture, humidity level and appropriate nutrients. Pests, wind and rain can be a challenge during cannabis cultivation.

There is no difference between cannabis cultivation and cannabis growing. If you live where medical marijuana is legalized, you have a marijuana card. You can plant a certain number of plants at home for personal use. The term also applies to business growth enterprises.

In most cases, cannabis cultivation is most suitable for indoor cultivation. This is relatively easy for home growers. Cannabis cultivation requires a slow accumulation of experience. First just grow a few cannabis can help you  without spending a lot of money on hydroponic equipment, grow lighting, environmental control equipment, etc. You should also be prepared. Plant diseases are common, pests and other threats are common, and they will kill your plants soon.

When setting up the cannabis cultivation room, it is also necessary to ensure that the growth chamber is kept clean and that there are suitable LED growth lights at every stage of plant grow stages.

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