What is the best pH for hydroponic cannabis?

Cannabis plants need trace elements to some extent. These elements combine with water with high pH value and are no longer absorbed by plants. Things that are good for one thing, such as roots, are not suitable for another, such as trace elements. Therefore,

In hydroponic culture, the pH value of cannabis is usually between 5.5-6.5, and the ideal pH value is 5.8-6.0. The pH value of nutrient solution in hydroponic culture needs to be carefully observed and maintained, because the change of pH value is much faster than that in soil garden. If it is not maintained properly, it may lead to problems.

The optimum pH value for growing marijuana

Between 5.5 and 5.8 – perfect

Between 5.3 and 6.5 – good

Between 5.0 and 7.0 – acceptable

Below 4.5 and above 8.0 – nutrient absorption interrupted

Below 3.5 and above 9.0 – irreversible damage to roots

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