What is the difference between sunlight and LED growth lights?

We all know that light is composed of seven colors, including:; Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. These seven colors are the colors of rainbows formed when bright sunlight passes through raindrops. Sunlight provides energy through photosynthetic processes. They also use light quality to sense and respond to the environment. In order to improve the production capacity, the use of artificial lighting growth control system has been considered.

Artificial lighting is needed when plants grow indoors or have little or no natural light. In recent years, due to cost reasons, growers are turning to energy-saving LED grow lights.

When we growing plants indoors, it is our responsibility to ensure that plants receive the same support indoors as nature does outdoors.

The wavelengths of natural sunlight range from gamma and X-rays (both blocked by the earth’s atmosphere) to ultraviolet (UV), and then to the visible spectrum, including infrared (IR) and low-frequency radio waves. Although plants mainly use visible parts of the spectrum (ultraviolet radiation is beneficial to some aspects of plant growth), when using artificial light, the all-optical LED grow lamp has completely changed indoor gardening. High pressure sodium lamps (HPS) and fluorescent growth lamps have existed for a long time, and they can not match the spectral distribution of sunlight. Moreover, LED grow lights are composed of multiple diodes, each of which is tuned to a specific part of the spectrum. By combining diodes in a suitable proportion, full spectrum grow lights can be configured to provide accurate wavelengths for plants to thrive at all stages of their growth cycle.

Although artificial light has different options, they do not provide a wide spectrum like sunlight. Fluorescent and LED grow lights usually only emit blue light, while incandescent lamps emit red light, so choosing the wrong light source may affect the growth of plants

But now many growth lamps are specially designed to cover the entire spectrum. Therefore, the all optical growth lamp is almost as good as the sunlight. But the sunlight is much stronger than ordinary light. Plants get about the same energy when they grow in light for 13 hours as when they grow in the sun for 6 hours

Although sunlight provides plants with a full spectrum of light, with the gradual weakening of summer and the advent of winter, plants in North and South latitudes will receive less and less sunlight, and the days will be shorter and shorter… Therefore, we can see that compared with natural sunlight, led grow light is more targeted, efficient, controllable and flexible.

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