What grow light with higher yield ?

One of the best and simplest ways to achieve maximum yield and improve overall quality of shoots is to upgrade your grow lights for cannabis.

In the case of tile, most of the grow lights produce almost the same amount of heat. Some lamps are more efficient than others (for example, HPS is more efficient than CFL and produces more light and less heat at the same power), but when determining heat, wattage is a good way to estimate how much heat your planter will produce.

This means that a 400W CFL will generate heat equivalent to a 400W HPS or LED Grow Light. One of the biggest differences is how each type of grow light emits extra heat.

Although some MH / HPS lamps are installed under the reflector as bare bulbs, MH / HPS lamps are usually encapsulated in a closed enclosure. Growers directly connect the lighting system to the pipeline, and exhaust fans can be used to remove heat.

Led grow lights usually have radiators and / or built-in fans to help distribute heat evenly without concentrating any heat directly on the plants. Even with this extra fuss, it’s still important to use the exhaust system to eliminate the extra heat, unless it’s naturally cold in the planting room.

CFL does not have any built-in heat dissipation system. The main way to deal with heat is to keep the growth very small or dissipate heat through the exhaust system.

Especially about led plant lights. The fact is that when growing cannabis, the grow light LED is not higher effective than the HPS lamp in terms of yield / watt. But the heat output of HPS grow light is frighteningly high.

Yield and effectiveness:

The most effective cannabis grow lamp is actually HPS, after all, it was designed for cannabis cultivation, so the HPS grow lamp and LED plant grow lights combination were used in the flowering / sprouting stage of cannabis .

In terms of effectiveness, the LED grow lights seems to help plants produce more trichomes and bring out the natural of plants. Moreover, high quality full spectrum LED grow lights not only save energy and electricity, but also satisfy the whole growth of cannabis.

In fact, the combination of HPS grow light and Full spectrum LED grow  light is the best advantage – high output, high quality and effectiveness.

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