3 main factors to affect the humidity in your grow tent

When growing marijuana in grow tents, conditions such as humidity and temperature must be properly controlled. Although we now know that different growth stages of cannabis plants require different degrees of humidity, it will help if you maintain relatively high humidity for cannabis seedlings in the growth tent. There are several factors that affect the humidity of marijuana planting tents. These measures include:


If the grow light of the grow tent is on all the time, the temperature of the air contained will rise and the relative humidity will rise. If the air in the grow tent with poor light is cold and dry then low humidity.

2-improve air circulation

If your grow tent is well ventilated, the relative humidity will decrease due to increased air circulation. Mature cannabis plants that require lower relative humidity need ventilation.

3-Watering frequency

Watering cannabis plants in growing tents can increase the water intake of plants through their roots. The high absorption of water by plants increases the water diversion loss rate through leaves, making the room more humid. The induced humid environment in turn regulates the respiratory process and keeps the cannabis plant healthy. Similarly, watering should be optimized to maintain the growth tent at the recommended humidity level.

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