Do you need ventilation for indoor marijuana plants?

Ventilation is an important part of cannabis growth because proper air movement over the plants helps keep them healthy by reducing the chance of mold growth, distributing heat and humidity, and preventing pest and fungus infestations.

Almost all living things depend on air of good enough quality. For plants and marijuana, good air means sufficient carbon dioxide (CO2) with little pollution. In addition, relative humidity and temperature play an important role in plant growth.

Especially for indoor cultivation of marijuana, CO2 is essential. Increasing the concentration of CO2 to about 1400ppm helps to accelerate plant growth. However, high concentrations of CO2 are toxic – toxic to most plants, and reaching or exceeding 1800 ppm is fatal.

A simple way to ensure carbon dioxide levels is to ventilate the space. Adequate ventilation is needed to enable the grow room to continuously supply fresh air.

Good ventilation will help to control temperature and humidity. For example, in grow tents, sufficient air flow and circulation are always provided for cannabis plants. Air circulation in the room eliminates trapped air and reduces the chances of decay and mold formation.

If the air circulation in the indoor growth chamber is poor, the air between cannabis plants will increase humidity and temperature. This can lead to mold and insect problems, as well as defects.

The second and equally important reason for ventilation is heat dissipation. When the temperature is too high, the growth of plants is hindered. This applies not only to the temperature of the growing space, but also to the temperature of the plant itself. When the temperature of the plant is too high, the juice flow in the plant will be reduced, resulting in growth retardation.

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