What are the best strains/genetics for indoor cannabis grow?

According to your marijuana planting objectives and environment, choose the right marijuana plants to grow. We will introduce five strains suitable for indoor growth.

According to market. after careful consideration, these are the five strains most suitable for internal growth.

1- Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout cookie is one of the most effective strains of marijuana. It is a hybrid variety dominated by indica. Indoors, the cannabis blooms in 9 to 10 weeks. Although the output is not the largest, high output is worth our efforts.Girl Scout cookies are highly resistant to mold and pests. This plant grows well in hydroponics or soil.

2- Afghan Kush

Kush in Afghanistan likes to imitate the summer climate in Europe. The plant takes only seven to eight weeks to blossom and produces about 16 ounces per 10 square feet when grown indoors. In addition, Kush in Afghanistan is highly resistant to molds, parasites and pests. You can expect it to grow easily in soil or hydroponic systems.

3- Gorilla Glue #4

When grown indoors, gorilla gum #4 produces about 18 ounces per 10 square feet. This strain can blossom in only 8 to 9 weeks. These cannabis plants can grow in warm and sunny outdoor gardens, but in outdoor conditions, you can reap the benefits of wet indoor harvest without taking risks.

4- White Widow White Widow

White widow is a hybrid of sativa, which is easy to grow and is the first choice for beginners. The plant is of moderate height and can produce 18 ounces per 10 square feet when planted indoors.

5- Kandy Kush OG

Kandy Kush OG has medium to high yield and flowering time between 65 and 75 days. This plant is mould proof and grows well in a cool climate. This is the perfect combination of Ogg Kush and the wreckage of the train. When growing indoors, it is best to use the green screen (scrog) method.

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