What is the humidity for marijuana plants indoor?

Cannabis is a high-value plant. Because of its high sensitivity, it is mainly grow indoors. Each stage of cannabis cultivation requires specific adjustments to achieve optimal growth and high-quality yield. Humidity plays a vital role not only in the growth of cannabis plants, but also in the correct handling of cannabis and in appropriate storage containers and conditions during storage.

In addition to taking care of conditions, marijuana is followed by environmental conditions. One of the environmental factors affecting the growth of cannabis is humidity. Humidity can be defined as the amount of water vapor in the air. There are usually three kinds of humidity:

Specific humidity – the specific humidity of an area is the ratio of water vapor to dry air.

Absolute humidity – this is the amount of water vapor actually present in a given area.

Relative humidity – this is the ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in an area to the inferred maximum amount of water vapor that can be accommodated in the area.

In the cannabis grow, as with any other plant, relative humidity is used. Of course, humidity and temperature are interrelated.

Cannabis cultivation is divided into four stages, which require different levels of temperature and humidity. They are seedlings, vegetation, flowering and late flowering. Growers Experts recommend using digital thermometers and digital hygrometers with memory to monitor levels in all four stages;

1. Seedling stage: seedlings or clones, that is, small cuts of mother plants that need to take root, need high humidity between 65% and 70%. Young cannabis plants prefer temperatures of 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Above 80 degrees Fahrenheit are not recommended.

2. Vegetation stage: This is the stage when marijuana begins to form its famous leaf shape. It should be noted that Grow light is a very important part of this stage. Humidity levels should be reduced by 5% per week throughout the vegetation period. The temperature will also rise and the humidity level should be before 40% and 70%.

3. Flowering stage: the humidity level of cannabis plants at the beginning of flowering should be reduced to 40% to 50%.

4. Late flowering stage: this period lasts for 6 to 12 weeks when the plant is mature. During this period, temperature and humidity need to be carefully monitored. It is recommended to reduce the humidity level by 30% to 40% to improve the yield, flavor and appearance of crops. The temperature can be between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

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