What’re the key factors of grow lights?

According to the market. the traditional plant light is actually divided into two parts:

Plant grow lighting: it mainly plays the role of complementing sunlight and regulating the growth of agricultural products.

Aquarium lighting: it is mainly used to promote the growth of aquatic plants and also play a lighting role.

With the improvement of people’s living standards, many families are equipped with ornamental bathtubs, so aquarium lighting should have more market prospects than plant lighting in the future.

There are two keys to grow lights: the choice of light wavelength and the matching of light color

At present, most grow lights are composed of red light (630-640nm is conventional, and 660nm is a little more expensive) and blue light (460-470nm is conventional, and 440nm violet light is a little more expensive). However, light sources of other colors (yellow light and orange light) can also be added according to the actual properties of plants. It is found that the light color ratio of plant lamps required by most plants is 8:1 or 7:1 (red is better than blue).

According to the experimental results of scientists, red light mainly promotes the growth of plants, while blue light mainly promotes the flowering and Fruiting of plants. Therefore, non flowering plants such as cabbage and green vegetables have a large demand for red light, while flowering and fruiting plants such as cucumber and tomato have a certain demand for purple light.

Compared with traditional grow lights, led grow light has the following main advantages:

1-Energy saving: it can directly produce the light needed by plants and produce photons with the same lumen, with less power consumption;

2-High efficiency: LED grow light is monochromatic light, which can meet the needs of plants and produce matching light waves, which can’t be done by traditional grow lights

3-Good heat dissipation system and high yield for indoor plants

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