Why is humidity important to cannabis plants?

Humidity is the saturation of water in the air. When the relative humidity is 100%, the air no longer contains water vapor, resulting in water condensation. Humidity is one of the main factors affecting plant nutrient cycle, because it affects the water transpiration rate of leaves. When humidity is high, transpiration slows down, resulting in less water absorbed by plants from roots, which contain nutrients needed for growth.

When this happens, some water in the factory reservoir will be lost to the environment. The relative humidity here determines how much water the cannabis plant will lose to the environment.

Two situations may occur:

When the air is wet (high relative humidity)

Due to the high content of water vapor in the air, the water concentration gradient decreases significantly. This means that cannabis plants will lose less water to maintain their optimal shape.

When the air is dry (low relative humidity)

The high moisture gradient between the plant and the surrounding air will lead to high moisture loss. Cannabis plants try to prevent this by closing their pores, a process that affects important breathing processes.

In conclusion, relative humidity is essential for cannabis plants because it regulates respiratory processes and their ancillary activities, such as water loss. In order for cannabis plants to fully benefit from relative humidity, they must be maintained at an optimal level. This will also help if the humidity can also be kept constant for a long time.

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