What is greenhouse?

A greenhouse is a building with glass walls and a glass roof. Greenhouses are used to grow plants, such as tomatoes and tropical flowers. The interior of the greenhouse can be kept warm even in winter. During the day, sunlight shines into the greenhouse, warming the plants and air in the greenhouse. It’s also a warm place to go in the cold, gray winter. The ability to grow things you couldn’t grow (exotic flowers, tropical fruits) no longer fights squirrels and insects. Do more things you like to do and extend the beauty and visual appeal of the scenery.

The greenhouse effect is the result of naturally occurring greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, water vapor, etc.) in the atmosphere. Sunlight passes through the atmosphere and warms the earth’s surface. In turn, the earth’s surface will return some of its energy to space as infrared radiation. When infrared radiation passes through the atmosphere, greenhouse gases absorb most of the energy. This energy is then re emitted in all directions. Some of these infrared radiation is captured by the atmosphere, warming the atmosphere and the earth’s surface. In essence, this process slows the loss of heat into space, making the earth’s surface warmer than it would be without greenhouse gases. Without these greenhouse gases, the earth’s atmosphere would be colder and life as we know it would no longer exist. This process is called the greenhouse effect because it works similar to the actual greenhouse.

The increase of greenhouse gases caused by fossil fuel combustion, animal husbandry and deforestation has led to global warming.

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