What’s the indoor farming?

Indoor farming refers to growing plants completely indoors. The latest method of indoor farming is plant factories. And, we practice vertical stratification of plants. Therefore, very high space utilization can be obtained. Indoor vertical farm is another way to grow fresh vegetables and other plants, which is called indoor vertical farm, Although it is relatively new to develop vertical farms to grow green leafy vegetables, mushrooms have been planted in this way for more than 100 years.

Over the past two decades, people have begun to plant green leaves and other plants indoors. On these farms, plants are grown entirely indoors using best LED grow lights. The emergence of high-efficiency LED plant lighting technology enables farmers to save money while providing plants with appropriate wavelength light to optimize growth.

In indoor agriculture, almost all the nutrients needed for plant growth need artificial supply. Growth medium, grow light for plants and nutrition are artificially provided for plants. All optimal growth conditions are provided to plants from the outside.

Hydroponics is usually used in indoor farming and very low pest problems can be observed due to complete disinfection.

Because plants grow in a covered place, we can control the climate inside. Therefore, the annual output can be obtained. Since most practices are automatically controlled, technical knowledge is required. Through indoor breeding, we can finally obtain fresh, healthy and high-quality products.

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