Why PPFD of cannabis grow light is important?

PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) is the measure of PAR light that lands in one square meter each second. It is an important thing to consider when planning your indoor cannabis grow. Of course, PPFD does not include important wavelengths of light Iike UV and Far-Red

PPFD measures the number of photosynthetic active photons (PAR) falling on an area of one square meter per second. The par spectrum is a visible wavelength between 400 and 700 nm. known as photons, are measured at different wavelengths (nm), which we can’t see. You can see them in some reflections. 400-700nm can be absorbed by plant pigment chlorophyll. This pigment mainly absorbs blue and red light. The light absorbed by chlorophyll is used in a process called photosynthesis.

As a grower, you want to optimize your growth. It needs know how much energy you need to use to achieve the amount of PPFD required to achieve the desired results. Watt is also important in calculating the yield you will harvest.

The ideal PPFD levels are between 700-900 µmol (PPFD) for indoor cultivation spaces and there should not be any spots on the top of the canopy that is receiving less than 500 µmol (PPFD).  And this is great for the flowering, fruiting, or budding stage of plants. Between 200 PPFD and 400 PPFD, plants growth rate potential crawls around 30 – 55% which is recommended for mother plants or young, weaker plants that need a light that’s not super intense.

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