How long does marijuana bloom? How long does it bloom? How long can we harvest from sowing seeds?

As marijuana has been legalized in some parts of the world, marijuana has been grown in many places, indoors and outdoors. How long can all marijuana bloom? Marijuana likes strong lights. It is planted outdoors in line with natural light, and the harvest is basically once a year. Indoor cannabis cultivation, grow light and temperature can be controlled, and led plant lights have become the most popular plants. especially full spectrum LED grow light .

This is mainly the growth cycle of indica, sativa and hybrid.


From the seed of cannabis seed to be a seedling, it will undergo two main stages of life and then become a beautiful fried dough twist / bud (Bud). They are the vegetative stage (when the plant grows) and the flowering stage (when the plant produces buds).

2-Vegetative stage

In 3-6 weeks after sowing, mahjong enters the nutritional stage. This is the stage when your plant begins to grow, grow, and grow those large serrated leaves.

3-Flowering stage

The flowering phase of marijuana is when your plant begins to produce flowers and eventually becomes your harvested bud. The flowering stage of cannabis plants occurs after reduced light exposure. If the cannabis plant is kept under LED grow lights for 18 hours a day, it will remain in the nutritional stage forever. Converting the grow light cycle to 12 hours of grow light and 12 hours of darkness will begin the flowering stage.

During the flowering stage, the length of time the plant spends in the flower depends on the type of marijuana you are growing and the conditions under which you are growing. On average, cannabis plants will bloom for 6-10 weeks. However, it may be longer, depending on the strain and growth conditions of the plant you grow.

Sativa marijuana flowering

Sativa usually has a short nutritional cycle, but once the plant begins to bloom, it may take 10-12 weeks to harvest. High quality sativa takes 16 weeks to complete. On average, sativa’s growth period is about six months.

Flowering period of indica marijuana

The flowering period of indica is usually about 8 weeks. You can expect about 8-12 weeks.

Flowering period of Hybird marijuana

Very similar to sativa, hybrid can grow rapidly in the nutritional stage. However, when it takes time, the flowering stage will have a shorter flowering period like indica. Generally, the flowering period of hybrid is 6-10 weeks.

Overall, the average growth period of all types of cannabis is about 3-6 months, depending on the growth environment of the plant

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