What’re the effects of 730nm far red LED on plants?

1. Shading effect of 730 nm far red light

One of the most important effects of 730nm far red light illumination on plants is shade avoidance.

If plants are only irradiated by 660nm deep red light, they will feel that they are directly irradiated by sunlight and grow normally. If the plant is mainly irradiated by 730nm far red light, the plant will feel as if it is blocked by another higher plant from the direct light of the sun. Therefore, the plant will work harder to grow to break through the shielding, that is, it will help the plant grow higher, but it does not mean that there will be more biomass.

2. Flowering induction of 730 nm far red light

Another important role of 730nm far red light in the application of horticultural lighting is that the flowering cycle can be controlled by 660nm and 730nm lighting without relying only on the influence of season, which is of great value for ornamental flowers.

It is generally believed that the control of plant flowering by phytochrome mainly depends on the ratio of PFR / pr. therefore, we can control the value of PFR / PR through 730 nm far red light irradiation, so as to accurately control the flowering cycle.

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