What is the principle of the Full Spectrum Led Grow Light?

With the legalization of marijuana and the development of new agriculture in many countries, the popularity of plant lights is becoming wider and wider. Especially in recent years, led plant lights have basically become the mainstream of the market, not only because of the legalization of marijuana, many people begin to grow marijuana indoors, Indoor garden herb with grow lights. like commercial cannabis cultivation, horticulture, greenhouse cannabis growing and home growers. but also because of the transformation of new agriculture, led grow lights have become the mainstream of indoor plants growing.

Light environment is one of the indispensable physical environmental factors for plant growth and development. Controlling plant morphogenesis through light quality regulation is an important technology in the field of protected cultivation. Full spectrum led grow lights:

The wavelength of 420nm ~ 400 nm contains anthocyanin, which helps to resist the formation of branches and leaves. The wavelength of 450 ~ 460nm can thicken stems and leaves, accelerate plant development and regulate stomatal opening.

The wavelength is 550nm, which promotes the growth of oxygen and helps tissues better store nutrients. The wavelength of 580nm can promote the growth of roots and the initial stage of germination.

The wavelength of 650 ~ 660nm can promote the overall growth of plants, especially in the flowering and fruiting period, increase the growth rate (flowering 20 days earlier and harvest 30 days earlier), increase the number of fruits by 25% ~ 35%, and reduce the incidence of abnormal fruits. The absorption rate of 720 ~ 1000nm is low, which stimulates cell elongation and affects flowering and seed germination.

Dmxgrow led grow light system manufacturer with 3-fold and 4-fold full spectrum led grow lights are specially designed for indoor marijuana cultivation, with high efficient and high PPFD, Massive yield for cannabis growing. It also contains a small amount of ultraviolet rays, which can effectively prevent diseases and pests.

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