What’s the effect of full spectrum LED grow lights for indoor plants?

First; Advantages of LED plant lights;

1. Standard power outlet connectors for drives or cooling fans are not required.

2. Full Spectrum Led. Plants need an environment with red and blue wavelengths for growth.

3. Compared with other ordinary lighting equipment, the LED grow light bar is mild and will not scorch the seedling plants.

4. Compared with other plant light lamps, it can save 10% ~ 20% of electricity.

5. Blue light can promote plant growth, while red light can make plants bloom and bear fruit.

6. High efficiency and High PPFD, less heat output and longer lifespan.

So what’s the effect?

Full spectrum LED grow light is based on the principle of plant growth, simulating the ratio of solar spectrum. The artificial grow light source with full spectrum is developed, which has a wide range of radiation, reaching 100LM above tile, and truly meets the requirements of greenhouse lighting. For agricultural greenhouses, as supplementary light, the light can be enhanced at any time of the day, so as to always help plants carry out photosynthesis. Especially in the winter months, it can prolong the effective lighting time. Whether at dusk or night, it can effectively prolong and scientifically control the grow light required by plants without being affected by any environmental changes.

In greenhouse or plant laboratory, it can completely replace natural light to promote plant growth.

After application test, the wavelength of LED full spectrum indoor grow light is very suitable for plant growth, flowering and fruiting General indoor plants and flowers will grow worse and worse over time. The main reason is the lack of sufficient light irradiation. If they are suitable for the spectral irradiation required by plants, they can not only promote their growth, but also prolong the flowering period and improve the quality of flowers and trees.

Dmxgrow led grow light system factory high power 1200W full spectrum led grow light bar with larger footprint ,high PPFD and high efficiency for indoor cannabis cultivation .

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