What is the best grow light for the vegetation cycle of cannabis plants?

The most important part of growing marijuana is getting good yields. However, growing marijuana can sometimes be challenging for beginners. The success of cannabis cultivation often depends on one key factor: lighting.

When you grow marijuana, whether indoors or outdoors, lighting is crucial. The light period you use for flowering marijuana is directly related to the quality and total yield of the crop

When cannabis plants are in the vegetation stage, keep them under grow light for at least 18 hours (also known as 18 / 6). However, if you want the plants to be as large as possible, you can keep them under 24-hour (24 / 0) indoor grow light.

To successfully grow marijuana indoors, you need to imitate natural growth patterns. and they will receive at least 12 hours of complete darkness. To do this, simply switch your light usage from 18 to 24 hours of good grow lights a day to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness to adapt to the life cycle of marijuana.

Metal halide lamps or MH growth lamps are mainly used for plant growth. This is part of the life of the cannabis plant. Growth begins and the leaves begin to flourish. MH Lamp produces a strong blue light, which is preferred by plants at this stage of growth.

But now, with the development of grow lights science and technology, led plant grow light is more popular with the majority of cannabis growers. Similarly, led grow light is also divided into foldable led grow light strip, spider led grow light bar and quantum board led. No matter which led plant grow lamp, they all have the same advantages;

1-High efficiency for indoor plants, higher 20%~30% than other standards grow lights.

2-Low heat output from grow light led, High power and high PPFD for indoor cannabis growing. Dmxgrow LED grow light full spectrum foldable 960W over 2100umol/m2/s PPFD

3-High yield for indoor plants. Led grow light average yield about 2g/w and other standards grow lights about 1.5g/w

4-Super cooling system for led grow light, then it can save cost for growers with other equipment.

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