What is spectrum? and ideal spectrum for cannabis?

Sunlight blends the colors of the rainbow. When this happens, the light turns white in appearance. Where does spectrum work?

In short, it is a visual display of all these different colors in sunlight. If you look at the spectrum, it will look like a rainbow. The wavelength of light we see is between 380 and 680 nm, while the sensitivity of plants to light is between 300 and 800 nm. The wavelength of what we call “blue” can be between 420 and 460. In our opinion, they are the same, but they have different properties. When you use the LED grow lights, they will use a custom color spectrum, which is within this range to help plants grow and bloom more effectively.

What is the best color spectrum for growing marijuana?

There is no spectrum of “one ring rules everything”. All colors are required, but some colors are much more than others. Cannabis plants respond well to blue and yellow / red light. Blue light is located at the low end of the spectrum. We think it is very bright and direct lighting. Yellow / red light is much warmer in our eyes.

blue light for vegetation stage

Because the sun is very high and the sky is very bright, blue light is most obvious in summer. Hemp plants grow stronger when using blue light with higher grow lights. The blue range is 400-500 nm, and the ideal value is 460 nm.

Red light at flowering and better yield

Later in the year, when the sun sets in the sky, you will see warmer light, not so bright. Cannabis plants will notice that this is a sign of the beginning of flowering, so it is best to grow with more red lights during the flowering stage. The red range is from 620 to 780 nm, and the ideal range is 660 nm

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