Development status & future trend of LED Grow Light

In nature, light environment is one of the necessary physical environmental factors for plant growth and development. It is not only an energy source in the process of plant growth and development, but also an important signal source for plant growth and development. Traditional agriculture mainly relies on sunlight, which makes plant growth vulnerable to the natural environment; The plants produced by grow lights are not limited to the natural environment, and can accept more suitable light and temperature. They can still produce normally and continuously even under bad conditions, and can accurately regulate the growth cycle of plants. In recent years, the planting modes of off-season vegetables, greenhouse planting and soilless cultivation have been rapidly promoted, and the domestic agricultural lighting market demand has increased significantly. At present, the application of LED grow light in the field of modern agriculture has attracted extensive attention at home and abroad, and has been applied in the field of artificial grow lighting to achieve the purpose of increasing production, high efficiency and high quality.

In terms of application fields, plant grow lights are mainly used in greenhouse lighting, all artificial light plant factory, plant tissue culture, field lighting, family vegetable and flower planting and laboratory research. In solar greenhouses and multi span greenhouses, the proportion of artificial grow light is still low, and metal halide lamps (MH grow lights) and high-pressure sodium lamps (HPS grow lights) are mainly used. The penetration rate of LED plant grow light system is low, but the growth rate begins to accelerate with the decline of cost. The main reason is that users have long experience in using metal halide lamps and high-pressure sodium lamps(HPS), Moreover, the use of metal halide lamp(MH) and high-pressure sodium lamp can not only avoid burning plants, but also provide about 6% – 8% of the heat energy for the greenhouse. As LED grow light is a cold light source, it can be relatively close to the plant crown, resulting in less temperature impact. In sunlight and multi span greenhouse, led plant grow lighting system is mostly used in inter grow lights.

The light sources of traditional grow lights are generally fluorescent grow lamps, metal halide grow lamps, high-pressure sodium grow lamps and incandescent grow lamps, but these light sources have prominent disadvantages such as uncontrollable spectrum, high energy consumption and high operating cost. Compared with the traditional light source, the new light source LED grow light has the advantages of high electro-optic conversion efficiency, adjustable light intensity spectrum, small volume and long service life. It is also a cold light source with low heating and can be irradiated at close range. It is an ideal light source for the illumination of modern facility agricultural plants, and has a good application prospect in the field of agriculture and biology. As a monochromatic light source, LED grow lights can regulate the light environment according to the needs of plant growth to form an optimal environment suitable for plant growth. In addition, LED grow light is a cold light source with low calorific value, so it can irradiate plants at a close distance without being burned. The most noteworthy thing is that compared with traditional high-pressure sodium lamp and metal halogen lamp, LED grow light can save 50 ~ 80% energy; Using LED grow light source instead of traditional lighting light source can greatly reduce the power loss in agricultural production.

In the future, led plant lighting will play an important role in improving agricultural production efficiency, improving food safety and improving the quality of fruits and vegetables. LED grow light sources for plant lighting will further develop with the gradual specialization of the industry and move towards a more targeted direction.

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