What are some advanced hydroponics lighting systems?

Hydroponics I one of the indoor growing cannabis way for most cannabis growers, and Lights are the important factor for hydroponics; Here with few advanced grow lights for hydroponics growing system;

1- fluorescent grow lamps

Fluorescent lamps are usually used in small gardens, and their uses are extremely limited. Because they produce only white light and have low intensity, they cannot provide the light range required for most plant growth potential. Therefore, they are only really useful for seedlings and cloning. Since they do not release too much heat, they can be placed as close to the plant as possible, but most hydroponics professionals recommend a distance of 4 to 6 inches. Fluorescent grow lamps are usually very cheap, but their bulbs must be changed frequently, which may increase more cost over time.

Advantages of fluorescent grow lamps

Low operation cost

It takes up very little space

Widely available

Low heat output

energy conservation

Disadvantages of fluorescent grow lamps

Not suitable for large growth operations

It is most effective only for naturally compact cannabis plants

Each bulb must have its own socket

Lower output compared to other lighting options.

2- High intensity discharge grow lamps(HID grow lights), because they provide a wider range of colors on the spectrum, are closer to natural sunlight. High intensity discharge (HID) lamps are more suitable for general hydroponic growth. However, they do generate a lot of heat, which may require the purchase of cooling fans to ensure the safety of the plant. There are two kinds of high intensity discharge lamps: metal halide grow lamps (MH) and high pressure sodium grow lamps(HPS grow lights). Metal halide grow lamps can emit light at the blue end of the spectrum, which is more suitable for the vegetative period of plant growth, while high-pressure sodium lamps (HPS) emit light at the red end of the spectrum, which is more often used in the flowering period. High pressure sodium grow lamp is also suitable for fruit trees and vegetables.

Advantages of high intensity discharge (HID) grow light  

Excellent plant coverage can even go deep into the densest canopy.

high yield

Disadvantages of high intensity discharge (HID) grow light

The light darkens and the temperature is ridiculously high, so it must be kept away from plants

Overheating means you also have to run fans and ventilation to control the room temperature

Excessive power consumption

Bulbs often burn out

Special ballasts, sockets and reflectors are required.

3-LED grow lights

LED grow lamp has more practical advantages. Because they produce very little heat, they have little risk of burning plants; They don’t ask you to buy another cooling fan. Although the LED grow lamp needs more pre investment, the LED grow light can be used for seven to ten years before the LED grow lamp is needed repair, and a small part of the energy of other types of grow lamps can be used. In the long run, the LED grow lamp can actually save money for you. Some studies have even shown that led grow lights are more effective for hydroponic growing gardens system.

Advantages of LED grow lights

High efficiency and energy saving

Low operating cost

Long life

Easy to operate

Full spectrum


Disadvantages of LED grow lamps

High initial investment Full Spectrum LED grow lights will be the future of hydroponic cannabis cultivation. The LED grow lighting with massive yield for indoor cannabis cultivation

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