What does UV and IR do for plants?

Additionally, research has shown that exposing plants to UVA light can also inhibit mold growth and fungal development. On the far end of the spectrum (>700nm) you find far-red and infrared wavelengths of light. Far-red and infrared light have very long wavelengths, and very little energy.

First; What is ultraviolet light?

Ultraviolet is a kind of electromagnetic radiation from natural sunlight. This light is divided into different parts of three different wavelengths: UVA = 400nm-315nm UVB = 315nm-280nm UVC = 280nm-100nm

UVA and UVB are key parts of life. Your plants don’t always need to be outdoors to benefit from UV. Indoor grow lights can also produce these light artificially, so that growers can provide indoor plants with the same benefits as outdoor growing.

When the correct amount of UV is present:

Add oil and resin containing THC and CBD

Increase root mass

Results in more branches and less stretching

Improve taste and smell

Create more effective plants

Increase resistance to insects, bacteria and fungi

Plants grown indoors without exposure to ultraviolet light may lack these enhanced benefits. This is why it is so important to choose indoor growth lighting that contains photons in the ultraviolet range.

UV light falls within the electromagnetic spectrum which is outside the visible or photosynthetic active radiation band. … UV-A can increase the level of nutrients from plants, therefore, plants will be tastier.

Infrared radiation (IR), sometimes referred to simply as infrared, is a region of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum where wavelengths range from about 700 nanometers (nm) to 1 millimeter (mm). Infrared waves are longer than those of visible light, but shorter than those of radio waves.

Too much IR radiation can cause plants to stretch spreading out the plant nodes, can discolor the leaves or even kill the plants. Choosing a light with the right appropriate amount of far-red and infrared light is key for healthy and natural plant growth.

infrared produces heat effect, which provides heat for the growth and development of crops. Under the irradiation of infrared , the ripening of fruits tends to be uniform. increasing this light can affect the growth speed of plants’ stems . A short exposure to infrared increases the space between nodes .

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