Are white LED grow lights good for indoor plants growing?

White LED grow lights will good for growing, and any white light will good for plants growing. But not all light is equal. Of course, there are many things you need to consider, such as light sources: spectrum, output and penetration. For example;


High intensity discharge grow light (HID) is the first commercial horticultural grow lamp, including metal halide (MH) grow lights and high pressure sodium (HPS) grow lights. MH is blue spectrum, which is conducive to vegetative growth, and HPS grow lights is red spectrum, which is conducive to flowering. Both have strong penetration and output, 18 inches below the top, but lack full spectrum light. It takes two grow lamps to complete the whole growth cycle. Most importantly, they operate at high temperatures and require a cooling system to keep the plants at a comfortable temperature. Although HPS grow lights can produce a large number of dense buds, the lack of green / yellow light and poor heat management will not produce all terpenes that plants can produce. It belongs to narrow spectrum light,

Light emitting diode (LED grow light)

In the early days of LED grow lighting, it was generally red and blue diodes. We also call red and blue lights.They chose red and blue because red diodes were cheap and the peak wavelengths used by chlorophyll a and B were in the red and blue spectra. Although they germinate, they have two disadvantages:

#1-penetration – LEDs usually do not have strong penetration. The light must be kept close to the crown. Flower buds more than 6 inches (150 mm) below the top receive little available light and are often ventilated.

#2-spectrum – only red / Blue diodes are used, eliminating other spectra used by plants to produce color and smell.

So it needs Full spectrum led grow light, as the technology and requests of growers.

If you are a marijuana grower, and in terms of color and terpenoids, you need full spectrum led grow light.

Full spectrum LED

Because they contain more spectral colors, some also include useful UV and IR diodes. White light-emitting diodes(LED), which will produce the most fragrant and favorable flower buds. When growing with LED grow lights, keep your crown low and flat, keep the light at the top of the crown 6 to 12 inches (150 to 300 mm), and expect your best buds to be at the top of the crown 6 inches.


CMH is a new HID grow light source technology. Compared with MH and HPS grow lamps, these grow lamps have many advantages. HID grow lamps have always been the king of penetration, providing usable light deep in the canopy, CHM belongs to full spectrum grow light that produces 4200k or 3000K white light with a CRI of 90.

Finally, white light has a great impact on plant growth. Because it contains a large number of green wavelengths, it will produce stronger growth. If you add an extra red diode to the mix, you’ll get a better light. This is what many of today’s most popular LED grow lights system manufacturers are doing. The red light of 2000-3000k and 640-680 nm is the most important at the flowering stage. This range of light promotes stem growth and the overall height of the plant

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