How does hydroponics work in an indoor garden?

First; What is indoor hydroponic gardening?

Hydroponics is the art of indoor gardening without soil. It is usually used to grow marijuana, but we believe it was promoted by NASA using hydro in space. This is basically a practice of vector free plant cultivation. The roots are suspended in a bucket filled with circulating water, which contains the nuts needed to grow super humid plants.

In hydroponic gardening, the water does the work—in this case, the work of delivering nutrients to the plant roots. In order to grow, plants need water, sunlight, carbon dioxide (usually from air circulation), and nutrients. In a traditional garden, plant roots have to seek out nutrients in the soil.

So What are the components of hydroponic system?

In order to maintain a thriving hydroponic growing system, you need know some of the components that make hydroponics work efficiently.

1 – Grow media

Hydroponic plants usually grow in inert media to support the weight of the plant and fix its root structure. Grow matrix is a substitute for soil, but it can not provide any independent nutrition for plants. On the contrary, this porous medium retains the water and nutrition in the nutrient solution, and then transports the nutrient solution to the plant. Many media are also pH neutral, so they do not destroy the balance of nutrient solution. There are many different media to choose from, and the specific plant and hydroponic system will determine which media is best for your efforts.

2 – Air stone and Air pump system

If there is not enough air in the water, plants submerged in the water may drown quickly. The gas stone disperses the tiny bubbles of dissolved oxygen into the nutrient solution storage tank. These bubbles also help to distribute dissolved nutrients evenly in the solution. The aerolite itself does not produce oxygen. They need to be connected to the external air pump through opaque food grade plastic pipes (opacity will prevent algae growth).

4-Net Pot Basin

Net pot is a net flowerpot used to grow hydroponic plants. This lattice like material allows the roots to grow from the sides and bottom of the pot, exposing the roots to more oxygen and nutrients. Compared with traditional clay or plastic cans, net cans also have better drainage performance.

5 – Grow Lights

Hydroponics needs light, but not necessarily sunshine. You can do hydroponics outdoors or in a greenhouse so that your plants can get all the light nature needs. Of course, you can have hydroponics growing system for indoors, we usually use plant grow lights to meet the needs of plants. At present, the most popular grow lights on the market are the following;

1-HID grow lights (CMH grow lamps and HPS grow lamps)

2-CLF grow lights

3-LED grow lights (full spectrum led)

But as most cannabis growers feedback, best led grow light are the main lighting for indoor plants.

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