What is your favorite LED grow light?

LEDs are simply light emitting diodes. LEDs come in a much wider variety than any other available light source in terms of size, color, intensity, power consumption, heat and so on. However, so long as an LED is emitting PAR, it is capable of contributing to the growth of a plant.

LED plant grow light is an electric grow lamp that helps plants grow. Grow light led either attempts to provide a spectrum similar to that of the sun, or provides a spectrum more suitable for the needs of plants. It simulates outdoor conditions through optimal LED plant grow lights with different colors, temperatures and spectral outputs and intensity of light.

Depending on the type of plant to be cultivated, the stage of cultivation (such as germination / nutrition or flowering / fruiting) and the photoperiod required by the plant, specific spectral range, luminous efficiency and color temperature, specific plant and time period.

They can reduce or eliminate dependence on natural light (sunlight). Light is essential for plant growth, but it is often in short supply (for example, indoors, in winter or in densely populated urban areas). The best LED plant grow lights can be used for seed germination, indoor plants, herbs, flowers, fruits, vegetables and so on.

According to the law of inverse square, the intensity of light radiated from the point light source (in this case, the bulb) to the surface is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the surface to the light source (if the object is twice as far away from it, it receives only one light from four points), which is a serious obstacle for indoor growers. Many technologies are designed to maximize the use of light.

Therefore, grow lights to maximize light efficiency. Plants or lights are as close as possible so that they receive the same illumination, and all the light emitted by the light falls on the plants rather than the surrounding area.

The best LED grow lights vary widely in the amount of radiation available for plant use (PAR). At the same time, the amount of light required by plants also varies greatly. However, when it comes to grow light, you need to consider two main variables. They are usually dimming. They are distance -adjustable.

After these, So what is your favorite grow lights ?

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