How to Choose the perfect LED grow light brand?

At present, LED plant grow lights are becoming more and more popular among commercial growers, and LED plant grow lights are also increasing as indoor growers requests. So you have to be wise enough to choose the best led grow lights for yourself. This is the case when choosing LED grow lights. In this regard, when choosing LED grow lights, you should notice a common feature is that it is durable and durable, and has a long service life. LED grow lights will be used for at least eight to ten hours a day, if mainly indoor growers. Then, you must plan how to minimize your utility bills.

Before purchasing LED grow lights, you should consider the following tips on product specifications as a guide:


The full spectrum is most similar to sunlight, enabling plants to grow as naturally as they grow outdoors.So, how do we check the authenticity of high quality LED grow lights? Generally It should be checked according to PAR (photosynthetic active radiation) and PPFD report of LED plant grow lights.

2 – Coverage area and Len angle

Only when you know the exact length of the grow space area to be covered can you choose the best LED grow lights. The lighting system must cover the entire area so that it can reach each plant with its effect and effectiveness (such as spectrum, heat, coverage and intensity). The angle and lens of the LED grow lights are equally important for determining the straightness or diffusion of light and the intensity of heat generated.

3-Wattage   –   power measurement

It’s best to buy led grow lights according to the area of crops and the number of plants needed, and then choose the high-power LED grow light for your plants.

4 – Heat output

It is very important to fix the lighting system in place. The appropriate location for installing the lighting system is where it can cover all the required areas of the plants factory, or where the light can reach the maximum intensity of the plants factory. Therefore, coverage should not be ignored. Only the safest and most effective heat output can be beneficial to your plants.

5 – Return policy and warranty

One of the basic policies of a good brand is product warranty. If there is a problem with the product, the brand will compensate for the loss or damage of the product.

6 – Expenses (Cost)

You will find a wide variety of LED grow lighting systems on the market. These include very expensive, very cheap and reasonably priced. However, the most expensive product is not necessarily the best product. You also need to consider the cost of LED grow lights and the overall maintenance cost.

Optical output, efficiency and coverage are necessary requirements. Cost and quality are also interrelated. Therefore, before deciding to buy an LED grow lights system, you must compare different options.

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