Do LED lights produce heat or got hot?

Led grow lights are increasingly favored by home growers and commercial marijuana growers. Compared with the traditional high intensity discharge (HID) grow lamp, the best LED grow light has many advantages, from a more economical, more bright and convenient perspective. But one of the most advantages is that the LED grow light runs cooling.

Some marketers of LED plant grow lights manufacturers claim that led grow lamps will not produce any heat, but strictly speaking, this is not true. Because any electric appliance generates heat, all types of bulbs produce heat. However, compared with other types of bulbs, LED grow light bulbs consume much less energy, so they produce much less heat.

The operating temperature of the LED housing is affected by the lamp and room temperature. So, compared with other rooms, some of the LED lights in your home look warmer.

In fact, it should be noted that some low-cost bulbs have warnings and should not be used in completely enclosed lamps. This is because heat will accumulate and shorten the life of LED bulb assembly. In general, LEDs produce less heat, making them a reliable choice for mission lighting or any area that may produce heat problems.

Generally, the LED grow lamp is 40% less than that of the HID grow lamp with the same wattage. But all led grow light system manufacturers suggest hanging LED grow lights at a distance above the hemp plant or cannabis plants because the LED grow light is very bright and intense. Just as excessive watering or fertilization can damage plants, you can overload them with too much light and make them unable to absorb healthily.

LEDs also convert only about 80% of electrical energy into light (although the best LEDs have exceeded this level). Usually, only about 80% of the light leaves the grow lamp. The rest of the energy becomes heat. The radiator in the LED grow lights guides most of the heat into plants and is far away from plants. The rest spread out and won’t bring any real problems to your plant. Nevertheless, high temperature will still affect the performance and life of diodes

But in addition to the radiator, some LED grow lights have internal fans to keep the diodes cool. But at present, the most popular grow light bar has no fan, and the best way to reduce the heat of grow lamps is to eliminate moving parts (and additional power consumption) by simply using good materials and clever design.

Like DMXGROW FIN series led grow light with newest fink heat sink to improved heat dissipation.

In addition, the energy in the closed system can neither be created nor destroyed, but can only change the form. If your growth chamber is a closed system, light is energy. Most of the light generated by grow lamps is converted to chemical energy and stored by plants, but any unused light is absorbed and turned into heat by the objects in the growing space.

The biggest advantage of LED grow lights is that most of the wavelengths they generate are hemp plants that can be easily absorbed.

On the other hand, HID grow lights produce many more wavelengths than your plant really needs, and eventually only heat your growth chamber. HID lamps also rely on heat to emit light first –   in fact, there is so much heat that it may cause a fire in a confined space.

Combining this inefficiency with what LED produces more light per watt than HID lights, you can understand why LED grow lights generate less than 40% of the heat in growth space than HID.

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